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Creativity and digitalization congress Hamburg 2019 Day One
2019-06-13 12:38:53 complexity
cognitive disonance
consequence - risk and chance
basic thinking
creativity as a possible solution



what is this?
order and unorder in (dis)sonance
- the correct meassurement of mixin
- interacting parts
- simple rules
creates emergence, complex patterns which we interpret with meaning
complex is not (neccesarilly) complicated
non linear systems
possible very fragile


permanently recreate complexity

complexity is an soft concept (unscharfer begriff)

catastrophe -> eine völlige wendung, complete turnaround
ambiguity -> the history of print
technique(s) is(are) only a reaction to an existing social problem

simplicity creates complexity through differencation

society is analoque invisible
digitalization is the possible answer
we need to calculate the society as exact as possible because it is not self calculatable from within

structure and process
why techinc / what is technic
technic vs humanity
technic vs culture
technic vs nature
technic verzichtet auf Konsenzezwänge, wenn sie funktioniert.
technic is a simplification based on strict rules as an replacments of trust
technic though as to be functional and working (funktioniert!)

do the right thing instead of consence

observe the observer
exit open: win of freedom vs civilization loose


beschleunigung, offenheit, befreiung, kontrolverlust, orientierungslosigkeit, herizie(political incorrect)

contingence - but not everything with anything


erwartung und kritik an medien

media futue lab

traditionellen medien aka zeitungen und zeitschriften:
akzeptanz und legitimation -
reichweite und finanzierung -
informationsmonopol und deutungshoheit -
- verloren

stattdessen komerzielle soziale plattformen
(beachte: alter jounalismus ist immer komerziell)
umwelteinfluß der (neuen) medien

funktion der medien
öffentlichkeit und teilhabe

gesellschaft der vielen, vielfalt, inklusion

-> journalismus der vielen ???
(recherche netzwerk(e)?)
"platz im blatt", nicht zensierter raum für betroffene.
aka neues Forum, runder tisch
rotation in der redaktion, paralell recherche, making of...,
transparency is a leading topic

zur objectivierung gehört die Darlegung des eigenen Standpunktes dazu.
Jeder ist in der Gesellschaft irgendwie verortet.

Digitale Arbeit als Nutzer: Nutzer-Bestell-Daten produzieren, Content-Daten (Youtube), verständnis daten aka einarbeiten
-> was ist Arbeit.

Creativity and complexity results in a discourse / discussion about the concept of work


Models create strong naratives, kind of self-fulfillment.
This is why you have to be optimistic, because your mindset
will construct the model relative to your mindset. With a naiv or
pestimistic, simplified to a easy mindset, you raise the chances
for your model to fail aka have a bad outcome. Something that will not
predict future risks and opertunity correctly with bad results in the
near field.

A word for positive, complex, adaptive systems.


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