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The secret of exploring and developing new challenging features.
2014-08-08 02:24:15 Do you know those days, when achieve more than you expected?
Those days, when you stumble upon new possibilities.
These special days, when you rush development over the limits of the possible speed?
I name those days 'The Developer Rush Days'*. So how they come?
Here you are:

You wanted that feature anyway, didn't you?
But you never have known a simple easy solution for this problem!
So there is a very good reason why the feature was not on the issue list.
Something might be done - later, very much later.
And now here it is: fast, simple, elegant, powerful - give it
a try - just for a moment, besides the issues on the list of unsolved troubles.
You send one moment, a second one and than your are done - almost -
just another moment.
It's new, it's an excitement, it is like falling in love, isn't it?

The feeling of get things done much faster compared to the bug-hunting,
to the make-feature-complete, to the not that-again-cycles values new
things give you a real high. It makes you think, 'You are so smart'.

It pushes you forward to the next state of almost solved and done things.
It keeps you standing by, drives you deeper in to the matter to solve those little
issues, because it is new. Because it is new there is something to explore.
Nothing old boring already solved three times stuff, no left over ones, here
is the right stuff for a developer heart, a designer, an artist of code and meaning.

There is nothing wrong with that, as long you solve the new unsolved issues,
solve the unsolved old, older ones and fix the bugs, clear the unneeded - probably
obsolete - features on the way of development. Keep yourself on the trek, even if or
especially because you can reach the stars.

Those are days awesome endorphin rich and unbelievable.

Now back to the solve issue by issue moments.
Avoid the pressure by measuring. It's done, when it's done.

*You might fear those rush days, because it is not gold but worthless pinchbeck -
sham, but I focused on the real golden moments, because you really wanted the feature
and noticed you will need this feature anyway.

After a long golden day I've finished the 'native' node-webkit based
Application of hogventure's Draftercraft for
Windows in a 32bit version,
mac OSX 10.7+ 64bit version,
Linux32 and Linux64.
If node-webkit isn't able to run on newer distributions such as Ubuntu 13.04+,
Fedora 18+, Arch, Gentoo, derivatives of the above or so, you might follow this link for help.
Although I hope, you won't need this link, because I added the script 'hdc' to start the app.
You may link this to the desktop. Have fun and create great games.

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