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How can we move towards a creator-centric blockchain economy? with Kevin McCoy, Rhea Myers and Primavera de Filippi, chaired by Mark Waugh
2022-01-12 19:39:40 organized by DACS designers&artists copyright society
my sketchy notes

NTF taken over (parts of) the market by storm and controversial
what do you have to know when you create a NFT?

kevin: based in NYC, video internet projects other digital arts,
working together, transform of digital into hybrid analogue art form is the traditional way

rhea: code can be chained by tokens, why namecoin ?

kevin: bitcoin was the start, but
uniquely owned by an individual practical
controversial in an art museum - still experimental
NFT concept

r: addresses social needs, that's why it worked
template - interesting creative medium
when real money starts is changing hands
smart contracts - program not law
first emerging ironic (crypto kitties)
when artist talk "rare art" without irony

k: power of the NFT - digital art ownership on the blockchain
no interest first - NFT not true in itself, is more than the tech
community decisions
software standpoint has to involve this

r: satisfied artist making money if
ether-stuff believers on twitter
don´t copy art from foreign resources
addresses the whereabouts of the artwork

k: afraid of all the issues involved
started centralized, wants to decentralise
find simple terms what a NFT is - metadata - add value to the image
value, usages, ownership

r: meaning less identifying number, that you can clip any kind of metadata on
cryptographic control - flaw - ...

The evolution of NFT
primavera - background architecture

creative commons, hyped 2015, collect the metadata,
movement - NFT versus CCL?
digital instance - impairing the economic needs and possibilities
a business model for (digital) artists
double click download problem
holder of the copyright in the vault
remixes - protocol of platform
NFT "solves" two big problems: business model and tracking info
challenging copyright laws
blockchain tech as an artistic expression ???
blockchain art instead of NFT
vaults live on their own - opportunity
instead of reproduction capabilities
create -> NFT becomes a seed for more
focusing on the creation of new entities - control and governance evolution

mark: creating a sustainable space and past?
k: relevance also on political organiser side
financialized messaging network
blockchain is just sitting - it is not running - transactions are the happening
governance is in advance of an human actor always
art around finance pool - social creative models that financial impacts come together

r: very true seeming events track on the blockchain - but can not be proofed/exported into the real world
good model - pull whatever you can/have as an artist, you can make a living
answers to the concerns of property etc.
provenance, .., etc. for the art by the token

p: conceptual art(ists) not using NFT to sell the art but to create an artwork
NFT mechanics as an happening, remix of an NFT standard, creative NFTs, meme machine,
people involved, ..., particular protocol natural consequences
exploring the integration of the artist in the tech
environmental NFTs tracking the benefit/impact of (..)
interesting dynamics
penny stock wise, raise back the natural (values)

r: states of a token can be used to get people to improve whatever

mark: a lot of is lost in plain sight, NFT can make the conditions visible,
transparency , context of viewing and receiving of art
have NFT disrupted the art world?

p: Not disrupted, extended.
Now it is possible to have a digital original, sees a kind of value
eventually we see more radical changes
but right now NFT replicates the traditional concepts, relying on it,
like galleries - trading platforms
enables artist have been ignored so far to be seen (empty space idea)

r: NFT are not just code they are economics
not bad not good
k: direct control attracted him autonomy
perceived value - people respect - blockchain cost is a lot to things to learn
artist economy

mark: relationship between NFT and copyrights?
is this a trend to continue?

p: you do not want to rely on a centralized platform
governance in governance out
the is no value in owning a copy, not a work that is signed
NFT provides a verifiable value
who identity where provenance
copies are nice to have but ...

r: caused by free minting - copy as steal when sold for the one dollar
now ownership by the artist - art toasting, make T-Shirts, .. or NFTs

p: relying on the service on specific platform

k: odrl open digital rights language
not central but on chain kind of contract-ish way works "best" as standard

r: how things should work, talk to as if you an lawyer, conservator, etc
otherwise it will go horrible wrong

merk: what is the role of art schools in teaching it now?
distance franchise - what is the relevance now for the future?

k: painter keep paintings

r: art is a good place to play with the future - NFTs and if you touch them I´ll block you is not helpful in anyway
creative talk heads - generational opportunity with this medium

p: digital artist inviting artist not involved in digital
here is how you make an NFT - go into NFT with an very nice informed way
teach about the value beyond the obvious

chat: planetoid

closing words

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