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I never planed to reduce stuff, but now I did it.
2013-01-15 16:40:26 I \ndid not reduced the stuff of people that work on the editor, because that's me. \nI reduced the stuff I'm working on. I recently changed the datamodel of the \nslideshow with slides, dialogs, objects, plugins, and text plus the second path \nof notes to a super simple datamodel of memos. I love the kiss paradigm. Keep it \nsimple, stupid!
If you can change it, change - no conflict!

So a brand \nnew version of the hogventure-game-editor is online. It needs some serious bug \ntesting.
I need your help, for the debugging.
Here is the new version of \nthe editor called \nmemo-board:

Hogventure Game Editor \nMemoboard

You may want to work offline first, before you want to \nlogin.
If you work offline you can create two types of memos(notes) simple \ntext and javascript plugins.
i've also build in a very basic raw memo board \ntester - a sort of mini game engine.
Before you save the project board, you \nshould set the preferences of your board. Right now you enter the title.
Once \nyou have saved, you should reload the webpage and than load your project. That \nis the first test case.

Feel free to register yourself and login now. Try \nto save the project online, reload the webpage, please, and load the project \nonline. Now try to make several changes and save them online again. Reload or \nclose the browser and reopen the webpage again. You should be able to load the \nproject without a login and see the board without any changes - after the login \nloading online must make the changes visible. Those are step two, three and four \nfor the testing.

Please use only the latest version of the chrome browser \n(24?) or the latest version of the firefox (18+) to avoid unforeseen \nevents.

The next steps will be introducing titles for each single memo, a \nshort one. Also I like to build in an invite procedure. With that feature you \nmight try working in a team of friends. Next step before this must be checking \nthe lock of the memo - can you edit the memo?

Happy testing.

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New layout for \nthe hogventure homepage

New layout for \nthe hogventure homepage

As you see the hogventurepage has a new layout. Now \nit addopted the look and feel of the gameplayer for the adventure games. For \nthat reason the right navigation bar is empty for future features.