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I hate taking photos of myself. I dislike to be photographed(grabbed). You don't know how much I detest doing a movie of myself. Anyway here is the prepared speech:
2015-10-30 00:56:30 Hello,
I am Malte Kosian -
an artist, writer and game developer from Hamburg, Germany.
I've been a painter and sculptor, a game maker and storyteller
for more than 20, 25 year now.

Today I start my first Kickstarter campaign.
But although this is the first one it has an important mission:
I'm running this campaign to finance my application for alt.ctrl.GDC 2016.


The title theme of the campaign is "Break In The Frame"

So what's "Break In The Frame"?
It is a game project.
It is a piece of art, well, pieces of art.
It is both: Art and Game
An art-game or game-art.

This project is about breaking the limits and boundaries
It is about overcoming inner borders and outer frontiers
Mine, yours, our personal one and in general, social ones -
those of art and games and media.

Break in the frame is a syn-aesthetic experiment.
An experience to overcome our well accepted bounds of visual, sound, haptic
in a artwork or a game.

It's a technical solution and sensitive act.
It's soft- and hardware, very old and so new, it never had been seen before.


Basically I just combine an old-fashioned canvas and a tablet/mobile device
to get a reactive canvas.
To be more precisely I group at least two of both to create a pair of reactive canvases.
The minimal setup.

I do need the canvas for my abstract painting.
It provides visual layers of colors and shapes to create a readable visual history.
This story is told over both canvases.
You can read the story of shapes while turning around or rearranging the canvases.

To make the canvas reactive on your input, I have to make each canvas a programmable device.
Now they can give you feedback via sound, light, whatever else is possible.
They also can tell each other the current state of their canvas.
They will influence each other by this communication.

This is the basic concept, but with such devices I and you can do more.
The future will tell.


The reactive canvas is an alternative input device.

Naturally the "reactive canvases" are experimental devices.
I can not ignore the fact that there are some risks.
For sure I will underperform my expectations and probably yours.
But it is an exciting journey. It will have results.
I will make the books to share my setup, thoughts and everything I have and will have done.


For this reason I want to attend alt.ctrl.GDC.
Let me present the hitherto existing results to you at the GDC 2016 in San Francisco.

Now it is your turn to join the journey.
Please, make "Break In The Frame" possible and back this project.

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