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Burning the tools you may or may not need. Which means draft and textfire will have to wait until I'm done with this:
2013-07-17 00:58:49 The helpful tools you really do need.
UIDCounter - manage unique identifiers for all of your objects.
TextManager - useful because you want to translate things sooner than later if not now.
Mediamanager - your local images, audios and videos internationalized.
Both managers depend on the existence of an UIDCounter and deliver languages - TextLanguages and MediaLanguages.

Instead of 'Love The Game' I will use the same underlying mechanics for a smaller subset game: 'Eventmanager'.

No.1 main problem to solve:
figure out if some groups are blocked and unblock those groups by changing the interest.
The illustrates the peoples' change of interest during an event - evening.
Second major problem: keep the player in the track of flow.
Make herim understand how to move the actors and why she has to comfort other people, virtual ones,
to feel satisfied on heris own.

'Eventmanager' needs a better name for sure.

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