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If you try to do something different, and you suddenly slowly realize, it is, it will be the same old thing again...
2013-12-18 18:48:21 That kind of thing where you started with years ago. And of
cause it is the same thing because it is different. There is
a hero, who is not a hero, a protagonist and a antagonist,
who is indeed not a villain. It is a Journey like any other
linear, not so linear story, because any story is a journey
through spaces, times, minds. Indefinitely yours and for
sure a bad try. A try to read the authors mind, which makes
you an authority, too. A re-creator with her own thoughts.

So I do - right now.

This feels strange, bad, comfortable, recognizing, warm,
well. Like a spring. I 'Hunt the Wumpus' and I don't. In
'Hunt The Wumpus' you play, imagine, are a animal explorer,
who does make some researches in a cave labyrinth to find
the unknown legendary creature named the Wumpus. Although
you hunt this animal, you will not kill it. You're willing
to capture the Wumpus with an anesthetization arrow. But you
risk your life. Traps, dark endless pitfalls, evil bats and at
least a hungry awaken Wumpus are the dangers in this
labyrinth. You can imagine.

That was my first game I've ever made.
I know, I'm a copy cat.

My new game is a crowd puller, an awesome tickler, an real
excitement. It is the love story. You run for the love of
your life.

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