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...but can you see it? No, sorry ,it is in the code. I'm proud to introduce to you : 'types'.
2013-01-29 17:59:15 Types make inner structure much
better. A normal memo can have the type 'text', 'audio' or 'image'.
A memo of the type 'plugin' is interpreted as a javascript. So now you can
program, write, compose and use your drawings.

Here is a the source for a simple plugin:

\r\n/* \r\nplugin that shows all memos */\r\nconsole.log('this plugin -> '+uid);\r\n//the width of the memos retangles is also their height\r\nvar w = screenwidth / 10;\r\n//now we gather all memos of the game\r\nvar memos = game.getAllMemos();\r\nconsole.log('memos 
length = '+memos.length);\r\n//set the context's color styles \r\ncontext.fillStyle = '#ff6';\r\ncontext.strokeStyle = '#ff6';\r\nfor (var
i = 0; i < memos.length; i++) {\r\n//now we draw all memos \r\ncontext.strokeRect(10 + (i%5)*(w+10),10 + (i%4)*(w+10),w, w);
context.fillText(memos.uid, 10 + (i%5)*(w+10),30 + (i%4)*(w+10));\r\n}\r\ncontext.stroke();\r\ncontext.fill();\r\nupdate = true;\r\n

By the way the board has a new background image.

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METAVERSE IMAGINARIES-Tokenomics-A New Economy of Art

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Some more \nbasics about the Hogventure Editor

Some more \nbasics about the Hogventure Editor

Hogventure is a simple editor for any kind \nof storytelling games such as hidden object games, adventure games or other \ndialog based ones. It runs on any modern browser because it is written in HTML5 \nand javascript.