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METAVERSE IMAGINARIES -Tokenomics: A New Economy of Art, part3 just my sketchy protocol
2022-01-28 23:38:45 welcome message

metaverse what is it
term captured many peoples mind
home definition for today:
future version of todays internet all kind all media
altogether and mixed together, accessible for all
blockchain is part for this as a tool for transfer and payments and sammie veeler
new art city:
new art city started before the hype started
diamonds as avatars concentrate on the art not on the people in the space(s)
don: medium build worlds
sammie: accessible as possible no blockchain needed but linkable
don: it is about comfort for artists and viewers
[some examples] flexibility
sammie: the context of land implies the idea of bottom floor
so this does not make really sense
focus on make 3d worlds instead of make money with

keiken: presentations
wisdom for love 3.0
biennale thailand
no comments here

wisdom as a form of exchange instead of financial one
dialectic thinking
civilization of mind

collaborative art
ping pong of ideas, give and take
fluidity in dialogue with people(artists)

facebook talks about the metaverse, but our exists
preservation problem with web1 and 2 should be avoided with web 3
export ones work take your work with you because lifespan of platforms are limited

platform as hub not final destination

human we interact, communicate, are technology
soft tech vs hard - soft we as humans in flesh, body and emotion
vs try of convincing, stealing time, ...manipulative

source of feeling good - metaverse?

avatars posthumanism and nature?
we create multiple versions of an avatar, because we are multiples
or "zero" avatar transports the art space as direct communications

avatar always a disappointment - focus on art instead.

kind of metaverse in 5 years?

collective minds, not disconnecting us, not about money for the benefit of the gameplay of art, spiritual act
it should all be art and not only from fucking NY and London but from everywhere

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METAVERSE IMAGINARIES-Tokenomics-A New Economy of Art

METAVERSE IMAGINARIES-Tokenomics-A New Economy of Art

METAVERSE IMAGINARIES -Tokenomics: A New Economy of Art, part3 just my sketchy protocol

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