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Part one two three or so of a raw sketches collection about story telling puzzle games.
2015-07-21 19:29:06 Before I start, here some back-links:
About linear story telling. I'm sorry. I have to add the prototype sometimes.

Where you can play the Puzzle Adventure prototype This is a match 2 single person RPG.

The game All Men Are Pigs is a match for path-finding.

body {overflow: hidden;}
body, div, span {font-family: sans-serif;margin: 0; padding: 0;}
.cell {
min-width: 50px;
min-height: 50px;
width: 20%;
padding: 5px;
margin: 5px;
border: 10px #000 solid;
background: #aaa;
color: #000;
text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px rgba(255,255,255,0.85), -1px -1px 2px rgba(255,255,255,0.85), -1px 1px 2px rgba(255,255,255,0.85), 1px -1px 2px rgba(255,255,255,0.85);
display: inline-block;
#message {
color: white;
background: black;
width: 98%;
margin: 0;
padding: 1%;
min-height: 50px;

<div id="message"> </div>
<div id="output"> </div>

Another little code talk:
you can copy this code of a combination game and this shell work.
Place these lines of code into the body element of an HTML5 document.

the singelton game class
var game = {};
the callable functions of the game
@attribute methods
game.methods = {};
combinations should call a callable game method
@attribute combinations
game.combinations = [];
the clicked/selected objects
@attribute queue
game.queue = [];
implemented as a click event
@method validate
game.validate = function(id) {
//we can look for an combination
if (game.queue.length > 1) {
var combi = null;
//this is better then a return
//it allows a fine reaction in the future
var wrong = true;
for (var i = 0; i < game.combinations.length; i++) {
combi = game.combinations;
//find the right combination
if (combi.a == game.queue[0] && combi.b == game.queue[1]) {
//game['methods']['showMessage'](game.queue[0],'that's fine. No double fine!');
for (var j = 0; j < combi.calls.length; j++) {
//running through the combination calls
wrong = false;
} else if ((combi.a == game.queue[0] && combi.a == game.queue[1]) ||
(combi.b == game.queue[0] && combi.b == game.queue[1])

} else if (combi.b == game.queue[0] && combi.a == game.queue[1] )
//give a hint here like
game['methods']['showMessage'](game.queue[1],'Something goes the wrong way.');
wrong = false;
} else {

if (wrong) {
//clear the waiting line
game.queue = [];
//finally draw the result
} else {
this might not be part of the game methods
a callable game method
@method isWrong
game.methods.isWrong = function(id) {
game.methods.showMessage(id, 'This is wrong.');
//we need more 'wrong' messages, so we can randomly access them.
shell we show the object?
a callable game method
@method showObject
@param id - the id of the changing object
@param value - here a boolean true or false
game.methods.showObject = function(id, value) {
game.getObject(id).visible = value;
we don't use this right now
later on this might change to in-|decreaseObjectStatus
a callable game method
@method changeObjectStatus
@param id - the id of the changing object
@param value - the new status value
game.methods.changeObjectStatus = function(id, value) {
game.getObject(id).status = value;

game.methods.increaseObjectStatus = function(id, value) {
game.getObject(id).status += value;

game.methods.decreaseObjectStatus = function(id, value) {
game.getObject(id).status -= value;

game.methods.onObjectStatus = function(id, value, calls) {
if (game.getObject(id).status >= value) {
for (var j = 0; j < calls.length; j++) {
a callable game method
@method changeObjectColor
@param id - the id of the changing object
@param value - the new color of the object. A html conform color value.
game.methods.changeObjectColor = function(id, value) {
game.getObject(id).color = value;
a callable game method
@method showMessage
@param id - the id of the object saying this
@param value - the message to say to
game.methods.showMessage = function(id, value) {
document.getElementById('message').innerHTML = '';
document.createTextNode(game.getObject(id).name+' says: '+value));
all objects of the game
@attribute objects
game.objects = [];
@method getObject
@param id - the id of the object to return to
@return null or the wanted game-object
game.getObject = function(id) {
for (var i = 0; i < game.objects.length; i++) {
if ( == id) {
return game.objects;
return null;
@class GameObject
@param id - the unique object refrence
@param name - the name of the object. This may not be unique
@param visible - boolean
@param status - a value between [n .. m] - how far have we developed?
@param color - the current visible representation - not a unique value
function GameObject(id, name, v, c, st) {
this.visible = v;
this.status = st;
this.color = c; = name; = id;
@class GameCombination
@param a - the reference id of the first object
@param b - according to a the reference id of the second object b
@param calls - an array of method calls {method:'method-name',id:'the id of the object to change',value:'value'}
function GameCombination (a, b, calls) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
an array of method calls {method:'method-name',id:'the id of the object to change',value:'value'}
this.calls = calls;
currently based on the manipulation of the html context
@method draw
@see game.validate
game.draw = function() {
var out = document.getElementById('output');
var obj = null;
var ele = null;
out.innerHTML = '';
for (var i = 0; i < game.objects.length; i++) {
obj = game.objects;
if (obj.visible) {
ele = document.createElement('div');
ele.className = 'cell';
ele.appendChild(document.createTextNode(''; = obj.color;
prepare the game or the first time/restart
@method init
game.init = function() {
game.object = [];
game.combinations = [];
game.queue = [];
//creating and adding 3 game objects
game.objects.push( new GameObject('a', 'Amber', true, '#00f', 0) );
game.objects.push( new GameObject('b', 'Bea', true, '#f00', 1) );
game.objects.push( new GameObject('c', 'Celia', false, '#0f0', 0) );
//adding ONE combination - what a game!
game.combinations.push( new GameCombination('a', 'b', [{method:'showObject', id: 'a', value: false},
{method:'showObject', id: 'c', value: true},{method:'showMessage', id: 'a', value: 'That's fine with me, although I'm vanishing away!'}]));
game.combinations.push( new GameCombination('c', 'b', [{method:'showObject', id: 'b', value: false},
{method:'showObject', id: 'c', value: true},{method:'showMessage', id: 'b', value: 'Oh, no! What have you done?'}]));
//now we draw the whole thing for the first time
//Let's start the whole thing on page load
window.onload = setTimeout(game.init, 100);

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The Kickstarter campaign

The Kickstarter campaign "Break In The Frame" online

Get yourself an art catalog or an reactive canvas. Send me to San Francisco and let me participate alt.ctrl.GDC.