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A little sell-fishy note about quests. Part four of sketches in code.
2015-08-05 19:42:51 types
simple quest
locked door -> find key, open door

collection(s) quest
locked (and chained) chest -> find keys, unlock chest (+ find bolt cropper, cut chain)

combination quest
find a, find b, combine them, result c key -> unlock achievement, door, whatever solves quest

recipe quest
find 3 times a, harvest 4 times b, combine them with c (the pot) -> you will have tea to serve ->
unlocks hearts of NPCs - others will hate you, because they wanted coffee or cocoa or ... other types
communicated quests, (do x with y and you'll get coins)

hint quests -> you have to make educated guesses based on information -> brain puzzle
(guy says 'you need purple pills' -> combine red and blue shall result in purple)

inherit hidden quests -> logical next step (buy z(pills) with coins and paint it purple) -> even more brain puzzle

HINT to story developers -> Dear wordsmith, most people feel and behave like zombies.

Back links:
The puzzle as an ordered list
Where you can play the Puzzle Adventure prototype and investigate rainbow horses
The game All Men Are Pigs, a pathfinding puzzle. HINT click 3 times and find the dark spot.
All brains to exit, combine

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